What is Chronic Testicular Pain?

Chronic Testicular Pain

Chronic testicular pain is the intermittent pain that is experienced by a person in their scrotum. In the majority of the cases, there is no identifiable cause for the agony felt by the person. The pain can start spontaneously or it can be chronic and last up to three months. Chronic testicular pain can be felt by anyone. However, it is commonly seen in young adults.


The person will have to undergo a physical examination where the doctor thoroughly examines the scrotum. The medical professional will inquire about the medical history of the patient. The type of diagnosis will depend on the symptoms felt by the patient and their medical history. Some of the main tests done to diagnose chronic testicular pain are sexually transmitted infections screening, ultrasound scans, urine tests, etc.
The treatment will depend on the reason for the chronic pain felt in the testicles. For minor cases, the medical professional will suggest methods like taking rest, applying heat to the area, avoiding lifting heavy weights, not wearing very tight underwear, etc. if the pain is caused by an infection then the doctor will prescribe antibiotics to fight it off. If the pain is caused by other underlying conditions, the necessary treatment for those conditions is done. If medication or physical therapy is not working then surgery is advised. The type of surgery will depend on the kind of condition that is causing chronic testicular pain.



Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I have piles?

If you have pain or bleeding during bowel movement, or if there is a mass protruding out of your anus, you might have piles.

Do I need medical attention if I have piles?

The pain felt in the scrotum is the major symptom felt in orchialgia.

How long does it take to recover from chronic testicular pain?

Depending on the person, it will take up to four weeks to heal from chronic testicular pain.

What causes chronic testicular pain?

Chronic testicular pain can be caused by a variety of factors. Orchialgia is caused by an infection in the testicles, epididymis, or spermatic cords. Other underlying medical conditions can also cause chronic testicular pain as well.

Is surgery an option to treat chronic testicular pain?

Yes. surgery is an alternative. However, what kind of surgery is determined according to the cause of the chronic testicular pain.
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